About Us 

FormaScape learning French in Normandy

I am Gaelle Napoleon. I am a French native, born and bred in Normandy. I am a trained linguist, with a Masters degree in Foreign Languages from Caen University. I also have a degree and some work experience in Business and Trade.

I have been teaching French to foreigners for 12 years. FormaScape is my company and it is French registered and quality control certified.

Whilst I am rooted in the French language, I love all foreign languages and also speak Spanish, English and Italian. I know what it takes to learn a foreign language and that’s the reason why I have developed a modern and lively method to teach you French, without that dreaded “ classroom feel.”

I feel it is vital to hook into the culture of a country and so, whilst teaching you the language of French, I will also introduce you to the nuances of French life, our customs, cuisine etc, handing you the keys to unlock the mysteries of my country.

Whatever your age or background, you can attend weekly group lessons or private lessons physically or via Skype, or you can sign up to my immersion courses. If you are interested in combining learning French with some tourism and visits to Normandy’s key attractions, I and my FormaScape colleagues, can accommodate your wishes.

FormaScape offers flexibility tailored to your specific level, pace and needs.

Our philosophy is straight forward: respect, quality of service and efficiency in a warm and friendly atmosphere.


*In 2019 Normandy French Tuition has become ‘FormaScape’. A new name as the business evolves and offers online lessons to international clients.